INXS Mystify Lyrics | Meaning & Poetry

I’m a huge INXS fan. To the point of obsession. I’m an INXS Access All Areas podcast patron, I belong to private messaging groups with the presenters and I plan to meet some fellow fans (that I’ve never met before) in the summer to see a tribute band up north. So yes, I rather like INXS.
For me, the lyrics are very much what it’s all about. What Michael Hutchence referred to as his ‘poetry’. With this in mind, the INXS Mystify lyrics are the best of all. If I was to get a tattoo of some INXS lyrics (and it’s something I’m thinking about), then it would be a couple of lines or more from Mystify. No question.
This post takes a deeper dive into the ‘Mystify me’ lyrics. What they mean, for me, and why they’re pure poetry. It should be the first in a series of lyrical posts, though I admit I may get distracted along the way. (Usually because of that black and white photo of MKJH in a kilt. It just does something to me.)
Poet, sex god, sensitive soul, Aussie rocker and the finest lyricist that ever lived (IMHO). I mean the man had it all. No wonder so many of us miss him every single day. Not to mention dreaming of him every night…
Before I delve deeper into the whole Mystify meaning thing, a note on the text (as my A-Level English teacher used to say). For the purposes of this piece, I’ve taken the lyrics we all know and love directly from the Kick album booklet that came with the CD (yes, I’m old school).
And the first thing that stood out to me, as a professional copywriter and editor, was the fact that ‘divine’ is misspelled as ‘devine’. Now that could mean that Devine is someone’s surname – but I’m going to assume it’s just a typo. So ‘divine’ with an ‘i’ it is.
Let’s take a closer look at the lyrics for Mystify by INXS. But before we get to the first verse, what about the title? What does ‘mystify’ mean?
‘Mystify’ meaning
According to Oxford Languages – the top result on Google – ‘mystify’ can have two meanings. It can refer to perplexing, baffling, confusing, puzzling or bewildering someone. So is he saying he’s completely confounded?
The second definition seems more fitting. It refers to making something ‘mysterious’. Someone mysterious may be secretive. Enigmatic. Inscrutable. Exactly why a new lover may occupy every waking moment. He finds her compelling rather than confounding, then.
Now the title has been interpreted (to my liking at least), let’s move onto the Mystify by INXS lyrics.
INXS Mystify lyrics – 1st verse

If I had to sum up the opening verse of Mystify in just one word, I’d say atmospheric. Allow me two more and I’ll add evocative and seductive. But of course. We all know Michael was a master of seduction. Or at least his girlfriends did 😉
The blue streets, mists and veils create an atmosphere of darkness and secrecy. Then we have the chilling almond looks. A pretty eye shape, peeping out from behind a mask, is what I see. Plus the shiver that sends down his spine. Compelling indeed – and clearly utterly irresistible.
The endless, lustrous (or lust-rous) moment. It will endure, because their fragmented hearts are a thing of the past. Or to put it another way, heartbreak will Disappear for all time. But you needed to wait until the X album was released for that 😉
So to sum up. Farewell, shattered souls, and hello to an irresistible, alluring and enigmatic new love. Sounds pretty good to me!
‘Mystify me’
After the first verse, the sentiment ‘mystify me’ is repeated four times. Or is it a request? Anyway, it seems that he’s pretty happy to be drawn into this inscrutable character’s web of intrigue. He’s just asking for it, in fact. Four times over.
INXS Mystify lyrics – 2nd verse

Perfection. Not much to ask for, is it? Faultlessness, flawlessness. The consummate partner that’s ideal in every way. But that utter flawlessness should also be inextricably entwined with some collection of utopian characteristics.
Only that way can he be totally ensnarled to ensure his continued existence. It’s pretty deep. Not to mention unrealistic. But who needs realism when it comes to poetry or music?
No one else – and nothing else – has her allure, Michael goes on to tell us. That compelling, spine-tingling visage alone is enough to guarantee his survival. (If only. The tragic irony of that always cuts to the core.)
In summary, the second verse of Mystify tells us of her unparalleled allure, which gives him a reason to live. On a lighter note, we all need something to get us out of bed in the mornings, right?
INXS Mystify lyrics – 3rd verse

The third, and final, chunk of Mystify seems to me to be about awe, and gratitude. She will always be on fire, with the capacity to animate every single second of his life. This sounds like a love that will never fade, but will last for eternity.
The use of the word ‘wild’, though, hints that she may also be untamed. Or maybe it just refers to her free spirit? This makes me think of Michael himself, and his dear daughter.
Even the skies above want to give her their blessing. Every luminous heavenly body will salute her, every single evening after sunset. Note the heavenly here. Another tie to Tiger.
A love that burns for all eternity, and one that’s also blessed by the universe? Sounds pretty cosmic. if you can rein it in, that is…
INXS Mystify lyrics – Summary
Let it be said here that I think Mystify is a lyrical masterpiece. It paints a beautiful picture – Helena Christensen, looking as she did in the video for Wicked Game comes to mind. Except for the fact that she’s wafting along the streets of Copenhagen, shrouded in blue mist. Maybe she would even have tamed him for good, if it wasn’t for that fateful evening in that very city, over three decades ago.
So he’s completely drawn in by this enigmatic, alluring new love. The most compelling sight he’s ever seen, and strong enough to last for eternity. Even the heavens above see fit to give the union their blessing.
A ballad it is not, but Mystify is utterly, unashamedly romantic. And untouchable in my eyes when it comes to lyrical mastery.
Michael has certainly lured me into his fantastical world here. Like its subject, Mystify is passionate perfection personified.
Marcy x
Check out where Mystify is placed in my post on 12 INXS Kick songs ranked.
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