INXS Album Covers | My countdown from 10 to 1

INXS album covers. If, like me, you’re a big fan of the Australian band (aka the best band anywhere, ever) have you given any thought to the artworks that grace the covers of these musical masterpieces?
From earlier ones like the Shabooh Shoobah album cover to the INXS Kick cover or the last album recorded with Michael Hutchence at the helm, which of these works of art would you put on your wall if you could pick only one? Or perhaps two or three?
Framing vinyl LPS is very much in vogue right now, and something I’ve done myself. After I lost my mother, I framed her Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band LP by The Beatles in homage to her favourite band ever – and of course to she herself.
I’ve not yet framed any INXS album art, and to be honest I’m not sure I ever will, given that Mister would not be keen on even more exposure to INXS than he’s already subjected to. So here, just for fun, is my countdown of INXS albums, in order of preference according to their covers only.
My top 10 INXS album covers
10. INXS Welcome To Wherever You Are album cover
This isn’t one of my personal favourites. The cover of Welcome To Wherever You Are represented a departure from working with Nick Egan, and I preferred that previous style.
Though this might be described as arty, it doesn’t immediately bring to mind the band or their music, and that’s why it’s in tenth place.
9. INXS Underneath The Colours album cover
The cover of Underneath The Colours is in the same sort of vein, arty maybe, but not really reflecting INXS as such. There is more of a synth pop about this one though, which is why for me it beats WTWYA. And at least they’ve spelled ‘colours’ correctly 😉
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8. INXS Listen Like Thieves album cover
Now we’re getting somewhere. The style of the Listen Like Thieves sleeve is a little simplistic – and may I say messy – for me, but I like the fact that it echoes the music on this album perfectly.
To me this album is INXS’s most Australian work in style, and the colours reflect the earthy centre of the country. While depicting a rock musician on stage in the background as well.
7. INXS The Swing album cover
Here they all are on the cover of The Swing – half a dozen fresh-faced Australian rock stars with 80s hair. And for that reason alone this is number seven. Love it! Mullets ahoy.
6. INXS Shabooh Shoobah album cover
OK, so the Shabooh Shoobah cover is arty and doesn’t as such reflect the band – but then it does. For me it echoes Michael Hutchence in particular – the man who wandered the world with a microphone in one hand and a work of literary fiction in the other.
It shows this is a group of musicians with real depth, if that makes any sense. Just listen to those poetic lyrics. Interestingly, Michael Hutchence is also credited on this one for the cover art concept.
5. INXS Kick album cover
I appreciate the fact that it’s probably a bit contraversial ‘only’ putting the INXS Kick LP cover in fifth place – but I do prefer a few others. It’s a classic, yes, but the reason I’m leaving it here is because you can only see three of the six band members’ faces on the front. What can I say, I’m a fair minded person…
Again Michael Hutchence is credited here for the cover art concept, along with the fabulous Nick Egan.
4. INXS Full Moon Dirty Hearts album cover
See that’s better – the entire band can be clearly seen on the Full Moon Dirty Hearts cover. It has that rock band-on-the-road vibe to it, and let’s be honest. They’re looking pretty hot. All six of them.
For this one, INXS themselves are credited with the design of the front cover. One of Garry Gary Beers’ own photos was used inside too.
3. INXS ‘INXS’ album cover
The first self-titled INXS album has a cover I just can’t resist. There’s a beach, blue skies and a crowd of contented-looking people.
For me that is a beach somewhere in Sydney – Coogee perhaps, where I spent a lot of time in 1996. And for an Australian band, I love that. I just like this piece of artwork.
2. INXS Elegantly Wasted album cover
Why place this one second? Because she looks exactly as the title says – Elegantly Wasted. I love that – and the cover star’s t-shirt also tells you exactly who this album is from. Better than Oasis… and I love the fact that I have a t-shirt just the same as that one.
Pierre Winther was the man behind this cover, and of course it’s actually meant to depict the aftermath of a car crash. INXS to the rescue! Imagine that?
1. INXS X album cover
Yep, the X album cover is my number one. It’s arty, yet shows the entire band. With attitude and a guitar. And Michael’s ring that apparently came from a Sydney jeweller, an item that a number of fans have since sought to replicate for themselves.
It probably doesn’t hurt that this is an album I’ve owned on both vinyl and CD too. This is another of Nick Egan’s fantastic concepts.
Which are your top INXS album covers?
These are my top 10 INXS album covers – which would be yours? The list may well change over time – mine surely would, but this is how I’d place them at this moment. INXS albums are of course mainly about the music – but as with the band themselves, it doesn’t hurt to have something attractive to look at…
Interestingly, two of the men behind some of the best INXS album covers are still connected to INXS on some level today. Nick Egan is an honorary patron of the INXS Access All Areas podcast, while Pierre Winther has been involved with the Michael Hutchence Foundation.
I omitted the INXS Greatest Hits album cover and the Live Baby Live one – there are several versions and most feature only Michael Hutchence. Not that I’ll ever mind looking at him. But this was a top 10 countdown, after all – and he himself wanted to move away from all the artwork focusing on the frontman.
Marcy x
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While Kick is a great commercial album, Elegantly Wasted is a favorite of mine! I love any and all music Michael Hutchence related.