Hottest Male Singers of the 80s & 90s

Sometimes I write a post purely for fun, and this list of the hottest male singers of the 80s and 90s is a classic example. Who’s hot and who’s not is of course entirely subjective, so this is my personal point of view only. Feel free to disagree – as always. In fact I’d love to know who tops your list…
These are the hottest male musicians who sing lead vocals – in my eyes. If you’ve ever read my posts or even my homepage before, then you probably already know who’ll top this list of hot male singers. There could only ever be one answer.
I’m drawing upon the pop, rock, indie and metal music that I know and love here. So there are no hot male country singers here. These are the sexiest male musicians from the 80s and 90s only. They don’t have to be with us any longer – sadly several of my top ten hottest male singers are not. RIP.
Whether this is a trip down memory lane for you, or a voyage of 80s and 90s music discovery, here they are. Darn good looking male singers who also made music or one kind or another. (Some of that is much more worthy of attention than others, that’s for sure.)
The top 10 hottest male singers of the 80s & 90s
Oh yes – we had our fair share of good looking artists back in the day. Here are the hot guy singers that I think you should take a look at – and maybe even listen to as well. In some cases.
10. Nick Berry
OK, so I admit that Nick can barely be classed as a singer. But he was the subject of my first real crush, and did release at least one hit single. Known as ‘Wicksy’ – aka Simon Wicks – in Eastenders, Nick Berry was the object of many a young girl’s affections.
The song – Every Loser Wins as featured in Eastenders – was 51st in the top 100 of the entire decade. Based more on Berry’s looks than his voice, I suspect. He was without doubt one of the most handsome male singers around, though, so who can blame those of us who bought the record?
‘Every Loser Wins’ by Nick Berry is featured on NOW Forgotten 80s | 100 Hits
9. Jon Bon Jovi
A refreshing change from all the cute boy singers of the 80s boy bands, Jon Bon Jovi was a proper rocker. Many a teenage girl swooned over and dreamt of him. To me, he’s not looking bad at all even these days, and he’s around 60.
The music was the best thing about Bon Jovi though. Livin’ On a Prayer still gets a lot of airtime. Slippery When Wet was one of the iconic albums of the days of the hair bands too.
You can listen to the best of Jon Bon Jovi’s vocals on Bon Jovi‘s Greatest Hits album
8. Damon Albarn
Damon Albarn fronted Blur, one of the 90s’ best bands. Behind Oasis, some might say, but he ticked my boxes better than either of the Gallaghers. I still love playing their Best Of album. Some lists I’ve seen rate Jarvis Cocker, and although I love Pulp’s music more, for me Albarn wins on aesthetics.
Interesting fact – Justine Frischmann of Elastica famously dated Albarn in the 90s, but fewer know that she previously went out with Brett Anderson of Suede. She was once one of Suede’s members, but it’s rumoured she was ditched shortly after dumping Anderson and taking up with Albarn. Who can blame her? He was one of the hottest band members of the 90s.
The Best of Blur is still a great listen and represents the Britpop era well
7. Morten Harket
Wowsers. Judging by the album cover above, Morten Harket would still be seen as one of the sexy male singers around now, let alone of the 80s. A-ha were massive at around the time I fell hook, line and sinker for Nick Berry, and I’d be lying if I said I couldn’t see the attraction.
Funnily enough Mister reckons all the girls he knew fancied Mags, not Morten, but among those I knew it was definitely Morten. In any case, this is a post about cute male singers, and Harket was the lead vocalist of one of Norway’s biggest ever exports…
A-ha’s ‘Headlines and Deadlines’ is an album I often play when I fancy an 80s fix
6. Robbie Williams
During the Take That days I always found Robbie the best of that particular bunch of good looking musicians – and for me that’s still the case. I always did love a bad boy – even at primary school I had a crush on the naughtiest boy in the class…
Judging by this album cover, Robbie’s definitely got it, although I don’t know when the picture was taken 😉 At best, he’s also a superb performer – one that you just cannot tear your eyes away from.
Hear Robbie’s Greatest Hits on the album – or you could just frame that cover instead
5. Matt Goss
Now we turn to the biggest crush I had back in the 80s. Matt Goss. Like millions of other Brosettes – as their fans were known – I was completely obsessed with Bros. I had to marry Matt. Obviously I didn’t – he’s never even been wed – but at the time it was how I felt. We all felt.
He’s still pretty easy on the eye – although perhaps a little intense. Bros famously went bust back in the day, but they haven’t done badly since. Matt’s massive in Las Vegas, his twin Luke is a Hollywood film star and Craig Logan, who left the band early – is some sort of music biz mogul. As hot male artists go, Matt’s still got it.
Bros’s album Push was the only one to have major success, reflecting the boy band’s glory days best
4. Kurt Cobain
It’s a tragic fact that 3 of my top 4 in this list are now long gone. Kurt Cobain was the first to depart, although he was followed only 3 years later by my all-time number one pick as hottest artist ever. It’s so sad how many of music’s finest seem to be with us for far too short a time – Jimi Hendrix, Otis Redding, Jim Morrison, Buddy Holly, Janis Joplin…
In fact the so called ’27 club’ is a thing, as many died at or around that age. In fact all of the above did, including Cobain, except for Holly and Redding who died at 22 and 26 respectively. Nirvana’s grungy music, for me, still remains some of the most iconic of all, and Nevermind was certainly one of the defining albums of its decade.
Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’ surely belongs in just about anyone’s music collection
3. Simon le Bon
Simon Le Bon boasts one of showbiz’s longest running marriages – for over 35 years the Duran Duran frontman has been wedded to Yasmin, née Parvaneh. As one of the 80s’ most famous models, she no doubt could have had her pick of the best looking musicians around.
I know many people preferred John Taylor, but a sultry voice will always win through for me. And so it is with Simon the Good – the most handsome artist in the 80s band.
Duran Duran’s Greatest album features all their classic pop tunes and ballads
2. George Michael
Another of my 80s crushes here. I think the order – time wise – went Nick Berry, George Michael, Matt Goss… before being superceded by my numero uno. As hot band members are concerned – specifically good looking singers who are male – George Michael is definitely up there.
Without a doubt, he is one of the vocalists I miss – and rate – the most. A stunning voice, whether singing a pop tune or a soulful ballad. What a loss – he was only 53, and departed on Christmas Day too.
Ladies and Gentlemen | The Best of George Michael is one of my most played albums ever
1. Michael Hutchence
I listen to this man sing just about every day of my life. Since writing an article all about Michael Hutchence, I’ve joined several Facebook groups honouring his memory – as well as posting delicious pictures. You know how there’s that one musician you always feel a special connection to? Well he’s mine. (I wish he had been mine.)
Sometimes he doesn’t even feature in lists of the most sexy male musicians, but that’s OK. I’m happier sharing with fewer fans. I’ve always thought INXS were under-rated, anyway, even though they were very successful for a time. No matter what others think, he’ll always top my list of the hottest rock stars ever.
A pretty boy singer he was not, either – the Australian rocker was an artist through and through. Anyway, Kylie could never be wrong. What a shame he’s not now celebrating decades of marriage to Helena Christensen, like his old pal Simon Le Bon is with his former supermodel wife.
Mystify | Michael Hutchence is the most compelling documentary, with the story told by those who knew him
Who are your hottest male singers of the 80s & 90s?
That’s my rundown of the hot singers who are male. One of music’s most attractive females even dated my number one, the hottest of all the sexiest rock stars who ever lived. (To me.) Back in the 80s and 90s, these were the fittest male singers under 30. Now, some have left us only music and memories, while others are clearly still smokin’.
Do you prefer cute singers from boy bands, hot musicians who work as solo artists or sexy musicians from rock or heavy metal bands? Let me know in the comments or on social media!
Marcy x
Related posts:
- Missing George Michael
- Missing Michael Hutchence
- The day my dad met Paul Young
- The musicians I miss the most
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