INXS Kick Songs | Ranked from 12 to 1

This INXS Kick songs list ranks every one of the dozen tracks on the Australian band’s most successful album. In my humble opinion, of course. The songs on the INXS Kick album numbered 12 in total, and five of those were released as singles from the LP.
Unusually for any album by the band, the INXS Kick tracklist contains a cover version. The Loved One was a 1966 single released by fellow Aussie band The Loved Ones, yet INXS really did manage to make it their own.
From the five INXS Kick album songs that were singles to the other seven tracks, this post lists every tune on the INXS Kick full album in my order of preference. Please feel free to comment here or on social media with your own countdown if you disagree!
Which, let’s face it, more of you are likely to than not… Also, this is the list as I write, right now. No doubt it will have changed by tomorrow!
Here are all the songs from Kick by INXS, ranked from 12 to 1. But first, a list of the order in which they actually appear.
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INXS Kick tracklist
- Guns In The Sky
- New Sensation
- Devil Inside
- Need You Tonight
- Mediate
- The Loved One
- Wild Life
- Never Tear Us Apart
- Mystify
- Kick
- Calling All Nations
- Tiny Daggers
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12 INXS Kick songs ranked
12. Tiny Daggers
Best line: “But when they turn those lights out | I bet you spin and turn”
While in my opinion there isn’t a bad track on this album, at all, Tiny Daggers comes in at number 12. I love the concept, though – little swords stuck in someone’s heart that affect how they think, and behave.
11. Calling All Nations
Best line: “You’ve got to spend some time | And devote it to you”
Again, I adore the idea here. After spending all day studying or working, with your nose to the grindstone, you really do need to let loose. Add to that the ever-depressing state of the news and you can see exactly why you need to do the “sex dance” with “stars in your hair”.
10. Wild Life
Best line: “Off in the distance | Fire burn bright”
For me, Wild Life is all about exercising our human right to freedom. Just as animals do. Michael Hutchence was one asked what his definition of rock ‘n’ roll was, and he said “liberation”. Sums up this song, really.
9. New Sensation
Best line: “And the sun comes like a God | Into our room | All perfect light and promises”
I’m not sure what it is about New Sensation, but it’s by far my least favourite single from Kick. Not that I don’t love it anyway, it’s just not up there with the best from this album. For me, anyway. Maybe because it’s not as rocky as some of the other tracks; somehow it’s just a little less satisfying.
8. Mediate
Best line: “Guilt debate | The edge serrate”
Mediate isn’t to everyone’s taste, but I think INXS’s understated performance of it at Wembley in 1991 was triumphant. Not least Kirk’s haunting sax solo, and Michael’s husky voice. Surely remembering all the rhyming lyrics was in itself no mean feat.
7. Kick
Best line: “When my back is broken | When the mountain moves away”
Another INXS track that really came to life when performed live. And it’s a mantra for life, really – indeed sometimes you are down on your luck, and at others you come out on top. Not a bad choice as the title track, then. Especially for such a kick-ass album.
6. The Loved One
Best line: “Helpless baby | Evil child | I’ve known you well”
The Loved One isn’t INXS’s own – it’s a cover of a 1966 single from their Australian forerunners, The Loved Ones. The 1987 Kick version is the second recorded by INXS, who first released this track in 1981. This song was a live favourite, and really shows off Michael’s vocal talents every time.
5. Need You Tonight
Best line: “I’ve got to let you know | You’re one of my kind”
Need You Tonight was the single that finally broke the UK market. When it hit the charts here was when I got into INXS. And only, at first, because the boy I liked at school was a fan. Still, I owe him a debt of gratitude for introducing me to the best band in the world. Ever.
4. Guns In The Sky
Best line: “We could stop the world and let off all the fools”
If only we could really stop the world and let off all the fools! Big bully nations with control freak bosses, I’m looking at you. My other favourite line from this is “Now bring them down| Like a clock at two” which of course refers to making the peace sign.
As Jon Farriss has just done when he begins drumming the intro to this at Wembley in 1991. What a way to open the show that turned out to be the pinnacle of the band’s career.
3. Never Tear Us Apart
Best line: “But if I hurt you | I’d make wine from your tears”
The most cited line from Never Tear Us Apart seems to be “I told you | That we could fly | ‘Cause we all have wings”… but I prefer the winemaking concept. Rather yucky, yes, but unashamedly romantic too.
This song was of course written for Michael’s then-squeeze Michele Bennett. Who knows where he’d be now, had they stayed together? As his sister Tina says, she was his “one thing”, and the only girl he apparently ever seriously thought about marrying.
2. Devil Inside
Best line: “Words as weapons | Sharper than knives”
This song is so darned sexy. Michael delivers it in a breathy, sometimes subtle and sometimes urgent way, and the judgement is spot-on. An apt choice to close Wembley 1991 with, and maybe he really goes for it just because it is the last track on the list.
Plus the concept comes into play again. Don’t we really have a devil inside all of us? Who we’d perhaps like to obey more, if it wasn’t for what society might make of our selfish choices?
1. Mystify
Best line: “I need perfection | Some twisted selection | That tangles me | To keep me alive”
Mystify is for me nothing short of a lyrical masterpiece. How can I possibly choose just one line? This track is packed with quality verse. “Misty streets of blue”, “almond looks”, “silken moments”, “twisted selections” and the stars that “will kiss you every night”.
The picture painted by this song is what makes it for me. Think the ethereal, blue-tinged beauty of city streets in the evening. It’s also incredibly romantic to think that he’s so bewildered by this magical creature. And loving every second of it.
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How would you rank the 12 INXS Kick songs?
What do you make of these INXS songs ranked? This list will of course change over time – and I really did deliberate over the middle section in particular. The fact that there isn’t a single weak track on this very tight album perhaps explains its phenomenal global success.
Marcy x
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